reads ground motions in the format of the PEER database
AccHst = Read_PEEREQRecord (RecName)
READ_PEEREQRECORD reads ground motions in the format of the PEER database ACCHST = READ_PEEREQRECORD (RECNAME) the function reads ground acceleration records in the format of the PEER database found in; if the name of the record is NOT specified in the character variable RECNAME, the function prompts for the directory with interactive selection of the record; if the RECNAME does not have an extension, the function adds the extension AT2; the function generates the data structure ACCHST with the following fields Title: general information about the record with subfields Event: earthquake name Date: date Station: recording station Direction: from record header PGA: peak ground acceleration in g AriasInt: Arias intensity in m/s Duration: significant duration (5-95% of AI) OutputUnit: acceleration in g FileName: filename of record Value: vector of acceleration values in g Time: vector of time steps Deltat: time increment of recorded motion
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