draws 2d or 3d arrow
varargout = Draw_Arrow (Astr,Aend,Aln,PlotOpt)
DRAW_ARROW draws 2d or 3d arrow AEND = DRAW_ARROW (ASTR,AEND,ALN,PLOTOPT) the function draws an arrow with starting point ASTR and end point AEND, if ALN is empty; if ALN is specified, then it represents the arrow length with AEND interpreted as the arrow direction; in this case the function returns the end point coordinates of the arrow in vector AEND PLOTOPT is a data structure for controlling the arrow display with the following fields: TipSF: scale factor for controlling the size of the arrow tip (default = 1); ArWth: line width of arrow shaft (default = 1); ArClr: color of arrow shaft and tip (default = 'k'); AbsSF: true or false to indicate absolute or relative to arrow length scaling
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
- Plot_DispPath plots biaxial displacement path in current window
- Plot_SectionGeometry plots cross section geometry in current window
- Label_Model displays element and node numbers and global axes in the current window
- Plot_ElemLoading display element loading in current window
- Plot_NodalForces display nodal forces in current window