draw cross through the axes origin of the x-y data
Draw_AxisCross (Xlim,Ylim,PlotOpt)
DRAW_AXISCROSS draw cross through the axes origin of the x-y data DRAW_AXISCROSS (XLIM,YLIM,PLOTOPT) the function draws a cross through the axes origin of the x-y data with a gray, solid line style and 1.5 pt line width; these properties can be controlled by specifying the fields LnStl, LnWth and LnClr of the optional argument PLOTOPT; XLIM and YLIM are 1x2 numerical arrays for the specification of the axes endpoints
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- Plot_DispPath plots biaxial displacement path in current window
- Plot_LoadHistory plots uniaxial or biaxial displacement and axial force history in current window
- Plot_StoryDistr plots all columns of array XP against the row index
- Plot_XYData plots one or more pairs of X and Y array columns
- Plot_SectionGeometry plots cross section geometry in current window