Utilities > Plotting > Plot_DispPath



plots biaxial displacement path in current window


AxHndl = Plot_DispPath (DspHst,PlotOpt)


PLOT_DISPPATH plots biaxial displacement path in current window
  the function plots the biaxial displacement history in the structure array DSPHST
  in the current window and returns the axis handle in AXHNDL;
  the arrow on the displacement path corresponds to increasing pseudo-time;
  DSPHST has two entries with fields Time and Value;
  the optional argument PLOTOPT is a structure with the following fields:
  PLOTOPT.LnWth : line width for 2 or 3 plots (default=3)
         .LnStl : line style sequence for 2 or 3 plots (default='s-','o-','h-')
         .Color : color      sequence for 2 or 3 plots (default='k','b','r') 
         .MrkSz : marker size for 2 or 3 plots (default=5)
         .MFClr : marker face color sequence for 2 or 3 plots (default='k','b','r')
         .TipSF : scale factor for controlling the size of the arrow tip (default = 1);
         .ArWth : line width of arrow shaft (default = 1);
         .ArClr : color of arrow shaft and tip (default = 'k');
         .AbsSF : true or false to indicate absolute or relative to arrow length scaling

Cross-Reference Information

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