Utilities > Plotting > Structure > Plot_Model



plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model


Plot_Model (Model,U,MPlOpt)


PLOT_MODEL plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model
  the function plots in the current window the original or deformed geometry
  of the structural model in the data structure MODEL depending
  on the presence of the global displacement vector U in the argument list;
  MPLOPT is an optional data structure controlling the display;
  in its absense the function plots the model with default values;
  MPLOPT has the following fields:
    MAGF : magnification factor for deformed wireframe (default=10)
    NodSF: scale factor for size of node symbol (default=1)
    LnStl: line style (default = '-' for undeformed, '-.' for deformed configuration)
    LnWth: line width (default = 2)
    LnClr: wireframe and node color (default = 'b' for undeformed,
                                               'k' for deformed configuration)
    PlNod: switch for displaying node symbols (default ='no')
    PlBnd: switch for displaying boundary symbols (default='no')
    BsClr: color for boundary nodes and symbols (default=[0.6 0 0.6])
    PlJnt: switch for plotting joint offsets  (default='yes')
    ModSF: switch for adjusting scale factor relative to element size (default = 'yes')

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Localize returns the node coordinates and id array of element
  • TranJnt sets up transformation matrix for finite size joints
  • Draw_Cube draws cube in current window
  • Get_ModelScale determines maximum and minimum element length in Model
  • Plot_BounCond plots symbols for boundary conditions of structural model
This function is called by: