display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
Plot_OpenPlasticHinges (Model,ElemData,Post,PlotOpt)
PLOT_OPENPLASTICHINGES display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration PLOT_OPENPLASTICHINGES (MODEL,ELEMDATA,POST,PLOTOPT) the function displays in the current window the open plastic hinge locations; the data structure MODEL contains information about the structural model, with element property information provided in cell array ELEMDATA; the data structure POST contains all recorded structural response variables for one step PLOTOPT is a data structure for controlling the plastic hinge display with the following fields: EList: list of elements for which plastic hinges are displayed (default all elements) HngSF: scale factor for size of plastic hinge symbol (default = 1) HOfSF: factor for offset of the plastic hinge symbol from element end (default = 1) FHClr: color for flexural hinges CHClr: color for column hinges with N-M interaction AHClr: color for axial hinges in truss elements
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- DeformShape2dFrm deformed shape of linear elastic, uniform, prismatic 2d frame element
- DeformShape2dFrm_wDispIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element with cubic polynomials
- DeformShape2dFrm_wCurvIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element from curvatures
- Localize returns the node coordinates and id array of element
- ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
- TranJnt sets up transformation matrix for finite size joints
- Get_ModelScale determines maximum and minimum element length in Model
- Animate_ResponseHistory interactive or recorded animation of response history