plots stress field for all elements in the Model
FldNd = Plot_IPStressField (Model,U,Post,Type,Comp,PlotOpt)
PLOT_STRESSFIELD plots stress field for all elements in the Model FLDND = PLOT_STRESSFIELD (MODEL,STATE,POST,TYPE,COMP,PLOTOPT) the function plots in the current window the distribution of component COMP for the stress field TYPE for all finite elements in the model; the function uses the Matlab function scatteredInterpolant to inter-extra polate from the stress field values at the integration points of the elements to the nodal values and returns the resulting nodal values in vector FLDND; TYPE is a character variable with values 'Axial', 'Shear' or 'Momnt'; COMP is a character variable with values 'xx','yy','zz','xy',yz','zx', '1', '2' or '3' for the axial and moment field, and values 'xy','yz','zx' for the shear field; COMP equal to '1', '2' or '3' plots the principal values of the corresponding field the model information is supplied in data structure MODEL; U are the global dof displacements; when present the function plots the stress field in the deformed configuration; POST is a data structure with the stress values of element e at integration point m in fields Elem{e}.Mat{m}.sig: for the membrane stresses Elem{e}.Mat{m}.M : for the bending moments Elem{e}.Mat{m}.V : for the shear forces PLOTOPT is an optional data structure with the following fields: Coord: coordinate system for stress field ('Carte','Polar','Spher') (default = 'Carte') MAGF : magnification factor for deformed shape (default=10) StrSF: scale factor for stress field (default=1) DirSF: scale factor for principal stress director line (default=1) LnWth: line width (default=1) LnClr: wireframe color (default = [0.6 0.6 0.6]) IntMd: interpolation method ('linear','nearest','natural'; default='natural') ExtMd: extrapolation method ('linear','nearest','none' ; default='nearest')
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