interactive or recorded animation of response history
Animate_ResponseHistory (Model,ElemData,Post,PlotOpt)
ANIMATE_RESPONSEHISTORY interactive or recorded animation of response history ANIMATE_RESPONSEHISTORY (MODEL,ELEMDATA,POST,PLOTOPT) the function animates either interactively or in a recorded video file the response history of the model in the data structure MODEL with the element properties in the cell array ELEMDATA; the data structure POST contains the response history of the model; it can be either a data structure array of size equal to the number of response states with field U for the corresponding displacements or an array of size NDOF x NTIME, where NDOF is the number of model DOFs and NTIME the number of response states; the display of plastic hinges is only possible in the former case, since it requires information about the element deformations in Post(step).Elem{el}; PLOTOPT is a data structure for controlling the response and plastic hinge display with the following fields: MAGF: magnification factor for deformed shape (default = 10) EList: list of elements in animation (default = NodSF: factor for relative size of node symbol (default = 1) HngSF: scale factor for size of plastic hinge symbol (default = 1) HOfSF: factor for offset of plastic hinge symbol from element end (default = 1) ShwPH: switch for displaying active and closed plastic hinges (default = 'no') LnClr: line color for deformed shape (default = 'r' for red) LnWth: line width for deformed shape (default = 2) PlJnt: switch for plotting joint offsets (default = 'yes') PlCrd: display element chords with deformed shape (default = 'no') Inter: switch for interactive animation (yes) or video generation (default = 'no') MovieFN: video file name (default = 'Movie') PauseDur: pause duration for screen animation in sec (default = 0) FrameRate: frames per second for video recording (default = 30) Nskip: number of response states to skip (default = 1, i.e. no skipping) Nstrt: time step at start of animation (default = 2, since 1 is initial state) Npend: time step at end of animation (default = end of data) ShowT: show time counter on screen (default = 'no') FntSz: font size of time counter (default = 14) FctX : factor for X-axis limits (default = 1.2) FctY : factor for Y-axis limits (default = 1.1)
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- Plot_DeformedStructure plot deformed shape of the structure
- Plot_Model plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model
- Plot_OpenPlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
- Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window
- Add_OpenPHIndx2Post add index to POST for open plastic hinges in elements