Utilities > Plotting > Structure > Plot_Hinge4Elem



plot releases or plastic hinges for truss or frame element


Plot_Hinge4Elem (nq,HngId,AxHngCoor,FlHngCoor,Colors)


PLOT_HINGE4ELEM plot releases or plastic hinges for truss or frame element
  the function plots the releases or plastic hinges for a truss or frame element
  NQ is the number of basic forces for the element
  HNGID is the index vector for the location of releases/plastic hinges
  AXHNGCOOR are the coordinates for the axial hinge location
  FLHNGCOOR are the coordinates for the flexural hinge location
  COLORS is a data structure with the release/plastic hinge colors in fields
        .AHCrl color for axial release or plastic hinge
        .FHCrl color for flexural release or plastic hinge without N-M interaction
        .CHCrl color for flexural release or plastic hinge with    N-M interaction

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