Utilities > Plotting > Structure > Get_ModelScale



determines maximum and minimum element length in Model


[ModSc,maxL,minL] = Get_ModelScale (Model,Ratio)


GET_MODELSCALE determines maximum and minimum element length in Model
  the function determines a critical scale for the structural model
  in data structure MODEL from the maximum distance MAXL and
  the minimum distance MINL between nodes i and j of line elements;
  the maximum distance MAXL is divided by RATIO (default = 1.5-0.5*MINL/MAXL);
  depending on the value of RATIO the model scale is equal
  to the largest (RATIO<MAXL/MINL) or smallest distance (RATIO>MAXL/MINL)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
This function is called by: