Utilities > Plotting > Structure > Label_Model



displays element and node numbers and global axes in the current window


Label_Model (Model,LblOpt)


LABEL_MODEL displays element and node numbers and global axes in the current window   
  the function displays in the current window labels for nodes and elements,
  and the global coordinate axes;
  LBLOPT is an optional data structure controlling the display;
  in its absense the function plots all items with default values;
  LBLOPT has the following fields (all optional)
    Item : character variable with values 'node','elem', 'axes' (default='all')
    FntSF: font magnification factor (default = 1)
    AxsSF: axis arrow length magnification factor (default = 1)
    LOfSF: node and element label offset magnification factor (default = 1)
    NList: list of nodes    to label (default all nodes    in the model)
    EList: list of elements to label (default all elements in the model)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
  • Draw_Arrow draws 2d or 3d arrow
  • Get_ModelScale determines maximum and minimum element length in Model
This function is called by: